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Drivers Ed Online – Distracted Driving Ruins Lives

Name: Kendra Williams
From: West Bloomfield, Michigan
Votes: 0

Distracted Driving Ruins Lives

Distracted Driving Ruins Lives

Imagine how many people have been injured or even killed due to carelessness behind the wheel. How many have lost control of the wheel to look down at a text for one second? According to the National Safety Council, over 1.6 million car crashes take place due to distracted driving. The council also states that 1 out of every 4 car accidents are caused by a distracted driver. Texting and driving may seem like a harmless act, but it truly does ruin lives

One day I was on my way to school, as usual. All it took was one right turn to change everything. As my mom was turning into the school parking lot, a car came out of nowhere. At full speed the car came rushing and hit us with full force. The hit was so strong it caused our car to run head first into a tree. Everything happened so fast. As we finally came to a stop, I was in shock.

 My mom got out of the car to speak to the others involved. I tried to do the same, but I could not move my knee. I looked down and realized that my knee was jammed into the glove compartment and began to panic. The police came immediately, and my mom explained to me that the man driving had admitted to texting and driving. As the paramedics removed me out of the car I remember seeing the man at fault and feeling so much rage. I kept thinking that the entire accident could have been avoided, had he just looked up. I was put on a stretcher, and carried into the ambulance. A twelve year old girl was just on her way to school, and was now injured in a traumatic accident caused by distracted driving.

After being released from the hospital I went home to rest. The next day I remember still having knee pains and went to a doctor. For weeks after that, I went physical therapy to help it fully heal. To this day, I occasionally feel a shock of pain when doing intense physical activity. This of course was very difficult throughout my middle school high school career being a student athlete. Trying to cheer on a knee that was constantly in pain was a serious challenge.

This was just my experience, I can only imagine what all my mother went through. Her car was totaled. She could have suffered an unknown injury. She now had the burden of medical bills for her injured daughter. As devastating of an event it was, my mom and I are  grateful to be alive. Which is much more than I can say for the many who have lost lives on the road. All I ask is that when driving, remember how much you could impact the lives of others on the road. Please, do not text and drive.