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Drivers Ed Online – Drivers Education Scholarship Essay

Name: Juan Creech Dallas
From: East Point, GA
Votes: 0

Drivers ed Scholarship Essay

Drivers ed is essential because it gives drivers an understanding of the safety measures and rules before they get on the road instead of learning them at the last minute. Drivers will gain confidence as they learn the various rules for the road. Drivers ed will enable drivers to respond naturally and successfully to different obstacles they will face while driving. Drivers ed plays a vital role in preventing accidents and teaching students the tricks of the road.

Drivers ed plays a critical role in limiting the amount of deaths that are caused from driving. The aim of drivers ed is to give the drivers knowledge and comprehension of the skills and to be able to safely operate a motor vehicle. Drivers ed can decrease the costs that are related to accidents and property damages. Drivers ed can inform drivers with the different issues that they can face while driving. Attention span is necessary in order to prevent car crashes and car accidents.

There are certain steps that you can take to reduce the number of deaths that occur while driving. First, you can make sure that all passengers and drivers buckle up their seat belts before driving. You should never drive a car if you’re under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. In situations where you or your friend(s) may be under the influence of alcohol, you should get a designated driver to make sure that everyone arrives safely at their intended destinations. This is important information that you should consider every time you step into a vehicle.

I have experienced a family member driving irresponsibly. This form of driving irresponsibly came in the form of driving too fast. I was in the car with this family member a couple of times and they drove erratic and too fast. This caused me to stop riding with them because I had to prioritize my safety and concerns and I didn’t feel comfortable being in the same car with them. This was the best decision I could’ve made because I avoided a possible accident that would have resulted from the person driving too fast.

I can take initiative and implement various steps to become a better and safer driver. I can avoid looking and using my phone while driving. If I need to use my phone, I can simply pull over to the side of the road or a parking lot to use my phone. Before driving, I can always put on my seatbelt before driving, and I can adjust my mirrors and seat while driving so that I am in a comfortable position to drive. I need to adjust my mirrors so I can see what’s in my rearview mirror as well as what’s on the front and side of me. It’s important that I always obey and follow the speed limit. There are different zones like school zones where I have to drive 25 miles per hour and it’s important to pay attention to the road signs.