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Drivers Ed Online – Keeping the Roads Safe

Name: Olga Salas
Votes: 0

Keeping the Roads Safe

Keeping the Roads Safe

An average of 34,000 people die each year as a result of driving in America. This number is astronomical. Drivers ed could help reduce this number. Drivers ed is very important because an irresponsible driver does not only put their own life at risk but also the people around them. If drivers are educated then I feel like they would be more careful while on the road.

Some steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths could be to making drivers ed courses mandatory nationwide. I think it could be a course taken in high school because this is when most people start to drive. I also think that if you have a history of speeding or other driving violations, you should be required to take driving courses. I think texting while driving and driving under the influence should be more heavily punished that it already is.

Unfortunately, I have seen some of my friends and family get distracted while driving but I have called them out on it and reminded them that it can affect more people than just themselves.

Some steps you can take to help keep the roads safe are wearing your seatbelt and making sure everyone else in the vehicle is also wearing theirs. You can also put your phone on Do Not Disturb while you drive and have a designated driver if you plan on drinking.