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Drivers Ed Online – Drive Safe

Name: Erness Anne Deseo
From: Virginia Beach, Virginia
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Drive Safe

Erness Anne Deseo


Drive Safe

The human mind immediately alters our brain to believe that we are deemed “safe drivers” once we get our driver’s license. That belief is obviously not true as there are a number of deaths that resulted from reckless driving. Drivers ed provides individuals with the skills and knowledge to ensure you, your passengers, and others on the road that safety is top priority. Anyone who undergoes Drivers ed is more than likely to prevent car accidents from occurring, reducing the death rate in the United States. There is nothing worse than being the cause of someone’s death because of an accident you’ve caused.

I personally believe that each state should have strict driving laws in order to prevent car accidents from occurring. When you are behind the wheel, it is in your hands to take responsibility for your actions. It should be mandatory for the driver to take Driver Ed. prior to receiving their driver’s license in order to ensure that they have the knowledge to drive safely and correctly on the road. If a driver is at fault in an accident, they should pay a fine and be required to take Drivers ed before they can go back on the road. 

I have witness my friends and family drive irresponsibly, completely unaware of their own actions. When I was younger I always felt safe when my dad drove, but now I realized he evolved into a reckless driver. I remember watching my dad trying to light a cigarette while he was driving. Unable to do both simultaneously he asked my sister, an elementary schooler at that time, sitting in the passenger seat to hold the steering wheel until he lit it. More recently, my dad has been constantly speeding to avoid stopping at the red light. Another incident I had was when a friend of mine offered to drive me home, while she was driving she was talking on the phone with one hand on the steering wheel making the car swerve. My last incident occurred back in January 2020, I volunteered at a homeless shelter and my driver was speeding and making poor turns as my whole body would repeatedly slam against the window.

I’m always cautious about driving because my life is literally behind the wheel. Here is some advice that I personally do to ensure safe driving. You have to adjust your seat and mirrors to make sure you can see your surroundings and feel comfortable. Make sure you and your passengers always wear a seatbelt. Eliminate distractions, I suggest turning off your cell phone and put it out of reach and don’t play music in the background. When you’re on the road, always drive the speed limit, use your turn signals, and look both ways before turning. DON’T be under the influence of drugs or alcohol as it’s one of the main causes of car accidents. Lastly, be courteous to other drivers, your selfishness can cause one of the biggest mistakes of your life.