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Drivers Ed Online – Drive Safely for Everyone’s Safety

Name: Marissa Patrice Bode
From: Mazomanie, WI
Votes: 0

Drive Safely for Everyone’s Safety

Drivers ed is very important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving. The point of drivers ed is to ensure that students of all ages become familiar with the rules of the road and how to apply them. The more informed a driver is, the likelier he is to feel more confident in navigating the road under various conditions. A confident driver remains alert and always pays attention to other drivers and his surroundings. If all drivers adhered to this, the result would be fewer mishaps involving driver error and fatalities.

Some steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving focus on driver accountability. There should be immediate consequences for those who fail to drive responsibly, thereby endangering their lives as well as the lives of others. Repeat offenders aren’t likely to reform if there’s no punishment that encourages them to do so. Without motivation for them to change their undesirable behavior, there will be people who continuously drive under the influence, practice distracted driving, or drive recklessly.

The month after I turned 11, I was in a 4-vehicle crash and became paralyzed as a result. My mom had just picked me up from school to take me to play rehearsal. Less than 2 minutes after leaving the parking lot, we were rear-ended and pushed into the opposite lane of traffic, where 2 more cars became involved. About 8 months later, a similar accident happened near the same location. A student teacher was about to turn into the school parking lot when a semi-truck hit her from behind and pushed her into the path of an oncoming vehicle. She was killed instantly.

Having become paralyzed 9 years ago, I’m the poster child for what can happen when a driver is distracted. Drivers ed was a little different for me than for the average person. I was able to do the classroom training with my peers, but I did the behind-the-wheel instruction off-campus because of my need to use an assistive device. Because of what happened to me, I’m more determined than ever to always practice safe driving. Even though I successfully obtained my driver’s license, I don’t drive often. The reason is that I don’t have a fully-adapted vehicle. However, whether I’m driving or a passenger, I always make sure to wear my seat belt. Unfortunately, I wasn’t wearing a seat belt prior to my accident and was thrown from the vehicle. I definitely won’t allow myself to be distracted while driving and will also discourage friends and relatives from allowing their attention to stray. If I’m in a car and notice that someone isn’t wearing their seat belt, I gently remind them to do so. Knowing what happened to me, people are more than willing to comply.