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Drivers Ed Online – Drive With Caution and Without Distraction

Name: Jessica Faustin
From: Centereach , NY
Votes: 0

Drive With Caution and Without Distraction

Jessica Faustin

Drivers ed Initiative Scholarship Essay

June 22, 2020

Drive With Caution and Without Distraction

When I was younger, the thought of having my driver’s license made me ecstatic and overjoyed because I thought I would be able to go wherever I wanted to without the complaint of a parent or sibling. I thought I would be able to drive to the mall or the movies with my friends, go out to eat anytime, and be a free-spirit. However, when I turned seventeen and took a drivers ed course, I realized how careful and responsible you have to be when driving because the world is a dangerous and unsafe place if you’re not cautious. When driving, a life-changing event can happen in a matter of seconds if you are distracted and not careful.

Drivers ed is a very important topic to discuss in order to reduce the number of deaths on the road. Drivers ed courses and many online study guides are great ways for new driver’s to educate themselves on how to practice responsible driving. There are online courses and websites that give informative articles and videos on how to be cautious on the road and to keep yourself and the people around you safe. As a driver, it is your obligation to know the rules of the road and to demonstrate them as effectively as possible. This is especially true for young teenage driver’s who are consumed with the excitement of being able to freely drive wherever they please without an adult in the vehicle. I also believe it is the job of the parent or guardian of the household to speak with their child and emphasize how important road safety is. Distracted driving is one of the most frequent acts that kill teenagers. It is important that all drivers, not just teenagers, put away all distractions such as phones, food, and drinks while driving. With a driver’s eye off the road for one second, it could cost the life of an innocent human being.

This year was the first time I was ever in a car accident. I have seen many in the news and on T.V shows, but in March 2020, I was in my first and hopefully last car accident. I had just finished work at a restaurant seven minutes away from my house and my dad picked me up since Saturdays are his days off of work. He was hungry and wanted to stop by Taco Bell so I agreed and we went there to pick up food. I was looking down at my phone when we left the Taco Bell parking lot. Not even two minutes after leaving, I felt us veer off the road and heard a huge crash. The amount of emotions I felt at that moment were unreal. I was confused, shocked, and scared. We crashed into a nearby pizzeria. I looked over to my dad and heard him muttering, saw his eyes rolling in his head, and saw cracks on the windshield. As a seventeen-year-old who doesn’t have her official license, has never been in a car accident, and had no idea what was going on or what happened, I called 911. Scared and tearing up, I gave the people on the other line my location and described to the best of my ability what was going on. I realized my dad had a seizure while driving and I told them to come quick. I unbuckled his seatbelt for him, opened the car door and the paramedics brought him to the ambulance. At that moment, I felt helpless. At that moment, I didn’t think about anything other than my father’s health and safety and I prayed for him to be okay. From that day on, I told myself that even if I’m the passenger, I won’t be distracted on the road. I am thankful that the other cars on the road weren’t distracted because if they were, then the accident would have been a lot worse. Thankfully, my father felt better after the paramedics came and everyone in the pizzeria was okay and safe.

In order to be a better and safer driver, we need to be more focused and have less distractions. If you need to check your phone, eat, or drink something, just pull over on the side of the road and take a couple of minutes to yourself. It is better to pull over for a few minutes, than to look away for a split second while driving and cause serious damage. It is important to uphold the rules of the road and be mindful of the people around you. There are people who want to go home to their families, see their children, or see their parents. Don’t just think about yourself while driving., think about others.