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Drivers Ed Online – Save a Life Using Safe Driving

Name: Lauren Hall
From: Helotes, TX
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Save a Life Using Safe Driving

Save a Life Using Safe Driving

Every year driving related fatalities in the United States exceed 38,000, many of these are from poor driving. There are ways to avoid tragic accidents such as gaining more experience before driving alone, eliminate distractions, and making smart choices on the road. The safety of yourself and others should be a driver’s top priority when entering a car.

Drivers ed should be mandatory and taken very seriously. It teaches people the rules of the road and ways to make safe decisions for themselves and others. It provides hands-on experience for new drivers to develop basic driving skills. It also explores the consequences of risky behaviors such as drunk driving.

A keen awareness of the dangers of driving can lead to fewer deaths. The driver controls everything that happens with the car. Accident avoidance begins with the driver taking precautionary steps. For example, drivers can commute more often during the daytime so they can see better, obey speed limit, and not rush to go anywhere. They can reduce distractions y not playing loud music, eating, or conversing with friends. Distraction keeps the brain from focusing on the road where the driver’s business is to protect their life and that of others.

In my personal experience, I had a tire blowout on the highway because I did not swerve fast enough to avoid an object in the road. From that experience I learned that things happen so quickly when travelling at speed. In a matter of seconds a person can hurt themselves or someone else. It is very important to pay attention to the road and not just other cars because they are not the only thing that poses danger. People should look out for inanimate such as holes, boxes, branches, glass, or metal that is laying on the road. The actions I can do to improve my driving skills is to practice accident avoidance by being prepared to expect the unexpected. Anything can happen if I am not paying attention. I must be alert to my surroundings, avoid trucks carrying loose items that can fall out, following too close to other vehicles, and avoiding drivers who appear to be in a hurry. Other tactics include staying away from tight groups of vehicles where one driver could cause a chain reaction with nearby cars, and monitoring traffic on all sides to ensure adequate space to perform evasive maneuvers. Above all, never be in a rush so I can take my time and assess the situation I am in and never assume that someone knows what I am going to do next.

Safety is crucial when driving and people need to be aware of the consequences that can happen if they aren’t practicing safe habits. No one should be in the midst of someone else’s mistake or lack of focus on the road. When driving, valuing one’s own life and others is priority and everyone should always be prepared to avoid dangerous situations.

Work Cited

Road Safety Facts.” Association for Safe International Road Travel, 13 Apr. 2020,,enough%20to%20require%20medical%20attention.