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Drivers Ed Online – Why is drivers education important?

Name: Aleya Sandlin
From: Anderson, Indiana
Votes: 0

Why is drivers ed important?

Drivers ed is important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving by teaching students how to drive safely and encouraging positive driving habits. Many students learn how to drive from their parents, and sadly many of those parents have very poor driving habits, who then pass those poor habits onto their children. Drivers ed works against that by teaching good habits.

Having more strictly enforced texting and driving laws would also help reduce the number of driving related deaths. Many people text and drive because it is known that it is very unlikely to get a ticket for that. I believe enforcing that law would decrease the number of crash related deaths significantly.

Also, making drivers ed cheaper would allow more people to take the course and learn about the safe driving habits drivers ed teaches. If more people were taught those habits the use of those good habits would go up, making the number of crash related deaths go down. I have many friends that did not take drivers ed because of the cost. When a family is living paycheck to paycheck they are unable to put their children in those good habit teaching classes.

I have been in a car accident caused by reckless driving of another party. They turned in front of my car from the middle lane to get into a parking lot so close we could not stop. If they would have learned safe driving habits that wreck could have been avoided.

I am a safe driver because I do not text and drive and I encourage others to do the same thing. When driving things can change in a blink of an eye, and texting can prevent you from seeking that. I took drivers ed and I believe that is something everyone else should have the privilege of taking as well before they get onto the road.