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Drivers Ed Online – Behind the Wheel

Name: Taylor Konopelski
From: Santa Rosa, CA
Votes: 0

Behind the Wheel

Behind the Wheel

It was a rainy day in May. A rarity in California to rain late spring. I had my license just over two months and loved the independence. I was in the left turn lane heading home from school and as soon as the arrow turned green I hit the gas. The next three seconds forever changed how I now approach driving.

I’m the youngest of my friends, last to turn 16. But one of the first to actually get my license. I felt proud and confident to be driving. Drivers ed gave me the tools I needed to learn the rules of the road, safe driving techniques and the practice needed so I was ready to hit the road once I got my license. Everyone can benefit from drivers ed.

But what I didn’t realize is no matter how good and proficient of a driver you are, you are still at risk. That day in May I learned the true meaning of defensive driving.

I heard from my driving instructor how important it was to pay attention to other drivers. And my parents drilled this concept even further. Especially my dad. You see, my grandfather died of a car accident when my dad was three. He never got to know him. And of course neither did I. The car he was riding in was hit by a car coming towards him in the other lane, swerving out of the way too late. There was nothing he could do.

Many deaths related to driving aren’t the drivers fault, but the other cars on the road. If we all followed what we learned in drivers ed to be defensive drivers, the roads would be safer. We can reduce these deaths by being aware of our surroundings and getting rid of distractions, such as going on your phone or looking at your passengers.

Back to that rainy day in May. I was only looking at the traffic signal, waiting for the arrow to turn green. What I should have been doing is making sure the traffic on my right had stopped and didn’t pose a danger, as the car ran through the yellow and then red, heading right in my direction as I approached the intersection. I narrowly escaped what could have been a similar accident that my grandfather had.

I will, and I hope all drivers, will pay more attention to what’s ahead of them on the road and be aware that other people’s lives are at stake.