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Drivers Ed Online – Let’s Leave as Kings and Queens, Not as Another Sad Statistical Number

Name: Jeffrey Doo
From: South Gate, CA
Votes: 0

Let’s Leave as Kings and Queens, Not as Another Sad Statistical Number

Let’s Leave as Kings and Queens, Not as Another Sad Statistical Number

In almost every activity that a human does, they’ll most likely need an education for it. No one will allow a surgeon to cut their skin open and save their lives without at least a decade of education. Even those Youtube ads that claim that you don’t need an education or experience to do e-commerce sell an education program to help others “succeed”. However, unlike the e-commerce ads which might prove to be a scam and force you to enter a market that is completely oversaturated, a driving education certainly will help a driver live another day just like they are meant to. While driving may certainly seem like just hitting the accelerator or the brake and turning steering wheel to a direction you need to go, it’s definitely much more complicated than that. Just the numerous signs alone and the completely different rules the freeway has is enough to crush a person that has no driving education and the biggest and frequent price of being crushed is death. Knowing the basics and even some intermediate parts of driving will most definitely help a person escape situations that may be overwhelming to a person with no driving education.

However, even with a driving education, people still tend to have accidents for many reasons such as rushing to get to school or work. My mother had an incident due to rushing only a year ago. I was in the same car as her, taking a short nap due to sleeping at around 3 A.M. the previous night. However, I was jolted awake when there was a loud thud sound. While luckily no one got hurt, my mom’s car and the other person’s car got totaled. The other person’s car was damaged so badly that the door on the passenger side couldn’t be opened (Believe me I tried for a couple of minutes to open that door until it almost broke with the owner’s permission of course.).

These accidents cause either great monetary costs or even lives and there are steps to prevent that. One way is to have an experienced teacher teach you how to drive. I’ve had both my mom and an instructor and while my mom mostly brought chaos and screaming, my driving instructor allowed me to be calm and confident with my decisions. Other steps are to be aware of your entire surroundings, obviously keep your phone away, and never get mad. Getting mad will not only cloud your judgement, but your eventual actions will cloud other’s judgements as well. As a driver, I vow to take these steps of always being calm (never mad or rushed), aware, and not distracted by my phone or loud music. By being a calm driver myself, I will never affect other’s emotional states by flicking my middle finger at them for passing me.

We only got one life so let’s leave happily not abruptly.