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Drivers Ed Online – Driver Education Initiative Reflection

Name: Heaven-Delaney Barber
From: Los Lunas, NM
Votes: 0

Drivers ed Initiative Reflection



Education Initiative Reflection

importance of drivers ed has a large affect on the number of
deaths as a result of driving. The more educated someone can be on
the risks of driving, the less likely they are to cause an accident.
By being aware of the risks present when driving, someone can become
more cautious behind the wheel and is less likely to cause an
accident resulting in a death. By knowing the risks they could be
taking, someone would be less likely to drive under the influence,
therefor would be less prone to causing a major accident.

steps that can be taken to reduce this include proper prior education
and real-life application. When a teen driver is being educated on
how to properly drive, they may overlook the important part which is
to drive safely. Driving safely not only means following the rules of
the road, it also means being cautious and aware of your surroundings
as well as recognizing hazards while driving. Another step that can
be taken to avoid the number of deaths related to driving, is
learning to drive in a controlled environment first. When first
learning to drive it is important that the new driver learns their
vehicle and how to properly control it in a safe environment such as
an empty parking lot, before they take the vehicle on a busy road.
One of the most crucial steps to avoiding accidents on the road is to
follow simple rules such as not driving alone if your license does
not allow it and staying in a good physical and mental state while
you are behind the wheel.

have been in many car accidents such as being rear-ended due to
drivers around me being distracted. Many of my friends and family are
distracted drivers, whether they are on their phone or simply not
paying attention to the road, it is still dangerous. Distracted
driving causes a large portion of crashes and deaths. Something as
simple as changing the radio station in your car can cause you to be
distracted and can present a risk on the road. I can become a better
and safer driver by being prepared ahead of time before I drive. This
means having my gps system already set with the volume high and ready
for me to drive without having to look at my phone. I could help
others be safer on the road by being a responsible driver who doesn’t
put others at risk.