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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Being a Smart Driver

Name: Saniya Johnson
From: Los Angeles, California
Votes: 0

The Importance of Being a Smart Driver

Importance Of Being A Smart Driver

I first received my driver’s license, I dreamt about the many
adventures to come and my newly found freedom to drive whenever and
wherever I wanted. I was extremely proud of myself for studying every
page of the DMV handbook and taking the initiative to learn the many
rules and regulations of the road. It was not until I owned my first
car that I realized that driving came with more than just freedom but
grave responsibilities. Instead of becoming fearful of future car
accidents, I decided to become more cautious and responsible with my
road regulations.

number of deaths due to car accidents can be reduced by practicing
responsible driving and increasing knowledge of important road
regulations. When drivers become smarter and more defensive on the
road, the number of deaths will surely decrease because people will
become accountable for their actions. The most important rules and
regulations of the road include avoiding drugs and alcohol, executing
each traffic law, and simply concentrating while driving. Drivers are
essentially responsible for other people’s lives on the road, as
well as their own.

the summer of 2018, I witnessed a car accident that my older sisters
were involved in front of our home. As my sister pulled out of our
driveway slowly, someone drove directly into the left side of her car
at 35 mph. Luckily, nobody was seriously injured, but it was a lesson
learned for everyone involved. As a driver, not paying attention to
the road and my surroundings is extremely critical to myself and

my experience with seeing my sisters in a car accident, I wanted to
change the way I drive. I wanted to become a better driver by
becoming more cautious and limiting my distractions. Although lots
of people tend to multitask while driving by doing things such as,
makeup or texting, doing these things should not put the lives of
others in danger. Sending a text or looking at a notification should
not cost someone their life or anyone else’s. To be a great driver,
someone must be selfless by always considering the people driving in
seperate cars and the pedestrians walking on the sidewalks. To become
a better and safer driver, it is also important to memorize and stay
updated on the rules and regulations of the road. The first priority
of a driver should be the lives of others. Realizing the huge amount
of responsibility for a driver is essential to working towards being
an improved driver.