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Drivers Ed Online – Safe Road

Name: Devyn Cordova
From: Espanola, New Mexico
Votes: 0

Safe Road


are approximately 227.5 million drivers in the United States and 6
million car accidents each year with 38,000 people dying each year
from a car accident. The most common causes of car accidents are
caused by drunk driving, texting and driving, breaking the speed
limits, and driving recklessly. I believe that is it important for
every person to get the proper education about safe driving to reduce
the number of car accidents and deaths that are caused by them each
year. Education about driving is really necessary for people to learn
so they can drive safely and make the roads a safer place to drive

steps that we can take to reduce those numbers is making all phones
turn off while you are driving so you don’t get the urge to get on
your phones while you are driving and if you want to get on your
phone you have to make a complete stop to be able to get on your
phone so that idea should reduce the number of car accidents that are
due to texting and driving. Since I live in the state of New Mexico
we have the highest rate of drunk driving deaths in the United
States. So to be able to reduce that number all people that have a
license should know what can happen when you drink and drive and how
it is important to have someone sober driving or taking a cab home so
you don’t put yourself or anyone else in danger. Another step that we
take is that all cars should not be able to go over than 90 mph
because if you think about it no speed limit sign is over 85 mph so
they shouldn’t be making cars that can go past the speed limit. It
will reduce the number of car accidents and deaths due to driving
over the speed limit which is part of reckless driving.

year ago I have witnessed one of my classmates that I grew up with
and knew for a long time since primary school had got into a car
accident and passed away. This has shown me how important it is to
drive safely on the road and to take precautions when you are driving
in bad weather conditions. This has shown me why it is so important
to have the right education when you are driving so you can stay safe
on the road and prevent car accidents and deaths from happening.

steps that I can make to be a better and safer driver is to use my
signals more while driving and not pay so much attention to my radio
trying to change songs because I can put myself in danger and others
in danger. The thing that I can do to help people become safer
driver’s point out what they are doing wrong or volunteer to be a
designated driver if I see any signs of impairment. I can also give
people a list of taxi drivers number if I see anyone that is
intoxicated and is thinking about driving.

what I learned is that having the proper education of driving is
important because it can save many lives. It can also reduce the
number of car accidents that are due to reckless driving like driving
over the speed limit, driving while intoxicated, texting while
driving, and driving under bad weather conditions. While doing this
essay I know more about what I can do to prevent car accidents from
happening and how I can help make the roads a safer place to drive