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Drivers Ed Online – Careful on the roads

Name: Samya Harris
From: Jonesboro, GA
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Careful on the roads

Samya Harris

June 8, 2020

I had so many dreams that I wanted to follow but I had to pick only 2 dreams only to get through life. The day started when I join the forest park club for teen community. It was fun while it lasted, but we all went to Washington D.C. We all went to see Maxine Waters and more people at the Washington D.C. The hotel was wonderful and it was kind of cold over there and a lot of walking but it was worth it. When I came back to Georgia I thought about a lot of things what I want to do. Dancing is most dreams to be doing and rapping as well it make my dream feel complete.

Some people didn’t believe me that I can do it but I used to have my baking business but I passed it up to my sister and the name of my business call Friends are Friends. I bake cakes and cupcakes form scratch but not anymore. I still bake but not for my business just for fun. I take things serious and I sometimes love to foul around a little. I went to tour the jail house; the police department with the sheriff of the detention, the mentoring program I was in gave us the opportunity to seating a juvenile detention court house. We were able to see teen our age be sentence for becalming the law.

I been able to volunteer in different camping. For judges, commissar, and senator. One of the skills we learn was how to work as a team to solve a lot of problem. This mentor group talk was how to speak in a public environment we also come up with different project. These projects consist of planning events like voter registrations, teen accountability, clean up our community. During the holiday we do baskets and toys & tots for the needed. We learn as a group how to go to an elegant restaurant and eat. One of our trips to us to downtown Atlanta to learn.

How they process money. We then went to the Atlanta postal to see how the postal services process the mail. The teen group taught us how to carry out a councils meet while we were in a court house. We learn how to engage with political office on an intelligent level. Twice a year we go to put on a show at the nursing home. As I learn all of these leadership skills. This has been a wonderful experience being a young lady with special needs. My mother taught me I can be anything I set my mind to. So I started studying more and getting help for my short coming. My passion going into my high school was to become a music production and dance choreography. I applied for video tech magnet program and got accepted. I then learn how to edit video and film video. This program last until my senior. We also visit different studio.

I love to be on my phone and kind of fix thing like phone but not totally broken things because I can’t fix a lot of things. I just solve them for you and computer. I was blessing to have the opportunity to grow up in church. I participate on the praise dance team, usher board, and the cleanup crew. I also volunteer at different event that were given at the church. I became a part of the purity group and now the young adult group. I used to babysit my neighbor child and it was kind of hard for me but not anymore. My stepdad help me drive when I was 13 years old and it was fun. My real dad was there and he wanted to help but he had a lot of things to do and I wasn’t mad at him or nothing. He kept asking me what I want for anything but I just kept on denying his offer because I’m nice and I sometimes need something and sometimes I really don’t. I see my real dad face and I like to see his happy face. I’m his favorite child and I’m glad that I have a real dad that loves me and he want me to rap just like my other family the shop boys as party like a rock star. The other thing about this world I care about my people and I know that the people do not care about me but that’s okay though. Because Black Lives Matter for everybody to say what they really feel about what is going on and I have things that I want to say so badly that we can all agree on. For this year and every year that past us by and that makes people upset that we have to go through with this in life style. But this world will get better soon. Until everybody see it to. As I prepare for my future being the only sibling on both side of my family to go to college. I am excited to be taking this step in my life to go forward.