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Drivers Ed Online – Driving of the USA vs. Africa

Name: Desset Araya
From: Laurel, Maryland
Votes: 0

Driving of the USA vs. Africa

In 2011 my family went on vacation to Eritrea located in Africa. My whole life I’ve only been in a vehicle driving in the U.S so being in a car in Africa was an experience I’d never forget. I specifically remember my uncle driving my family to our house we were staying in and the ride there was hectic. He was speeding like crazy, rolling down his window to argue with other drivers, and not giving anyone the right of way but himself. Looking back at it now I do realize that the laws aren’t the same but just because someone is a good driver and never gets in an accident, their attitude and maturity should also match their driving skills. What truly amazes me to this day is that on the way to our house there was not a single stop light or person directing drivers but yet my aggressive uncle managed to get us home safely somehow. Although I may have been blessed to make it home safely I believe everyone around the world should drive maturely and if not they do not deserve a license. Now focusing on the U.S I believe the education on driving is the number one most important step to reducing deaths and making better drivers. Drivers ed was the first step I took before even getting behind the wheel and I feel as though if everyone is educated properly on how to keep themselves, others, and their vehicles in good condition then we’ll all be safer. Many deaths occur because of simple mistakes that could’ve been avoided for example ignoring phone notifications, people who have too much fun at gatherings not getting an uber home or a ride from a sober friend, or not driving if you’re too tired. If drivers could just take the simple step of double checking before they get into their vehicles whether or not they are in the right mindspan to be behind the wheel they could save a single life from one realisation. Some drivers make a mistake that they didn’t take seriously until they created it which is an issue they have to then deal with but if those people could use their mistakes to share their stories to help show other drivers what not to do they could help benefit society by showing more outcomes to avoid by simple mistakes. I am 16 years old and am about to be a new driver. Like many other teenagers I can’t wait for the freedom of being able to drive but at the same time I know that I can not allow it to go over my head. Even though I want to have fun I do not want to be behind the wheel alone until I know everyone around me will be safe and that I am comfortable enough because I followed all the rules to receive my licenses and will continue to. I will lead as an example to myself by always remembering that the way I drive has to be to the best of my abilities because someone’s loved one is on the road and I would not want someone’s loved one to be harmed because of my actions the same way I wouldn’t want someone hurting my loved ones. I will lead as an example to others by always remembering that sometimes things have to be said no matter how another person may take it because it’ll benefit everyone and avoid possible harm. Driving is truly an easy way of getting around but if we are not being safe and causing harm we’re making it difficult all together.