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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Kierra Farley
From: Atlanta, Georgia
Votes: 0

The Importance of Safe Driving

is very important for drivers to receive proper drivers ed. By
obtaining knowledge about safety and other regulations of the road
can truly prevent the amount of accidents and deaths from driving.
The more education someone has on a topic, the more rational their
decisions and thoughts become. Driving is a serious deal, therefore,
drivers everywhere should be informed on the dangers on driving under
the influence, as well as defensive driving.

There are many
steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to
driving. Students under the age of 16 should be required to take some
form of driving class, whether online or in person, to inform the
students on the dangers of the road and precautions they should take
when driving. Along with those classes, students should be trained on
certain courses and terrains to test their defensive skills, as well
as their basic skills.

I have been in a
few different car accidents. My first accident I can remember was in
elementary school. My cousin, uncle, and I were on our to my house
from theirs. My cousin, 17-years-old, decided to drive us that night.
On our way down a long road, she began to swerve which landed us
right in a ditch in front of a family’s house. I hit my head on the
front passenger seat, my uncle hit his head on the window, and my
cousin hit her chest on the wheel. My mother’s car was totaled, but
thankfully the airbag wasn’t released. The family was very helpful
and offered us food and water until our parents got there. I did
return to school the next day—without a scratch—but with a slight
headache. The most recent accident I was in was not that bad. As my
mom and I were on our way home a couple years ago, a car turned in
front of us without their signal lights. My mom decided to try to go
down another street to avoid being hit, however the car crashed right
into the side of us. Our car was totaled AGAIN from running over the
curb, however, the other car was crushed in on the passenger’s
side. Being in those accidents made me realize that I want to be a
safe, and defensive driver who not only drives for me, but for other
drivers as well.

I can become a
better and safer driver by paying attention to the road, driving
sober, not texting and driving, and knowing the laws of the road. I
can help others to be safer drivers as well, by teaching them the
things I have learned from family members and Drivers Ed books. I
will also encourage them to learn about Joshua’s Law, and use that
as an example of how to conduct themselves while driving.