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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Driver Education

Name: Kaileb Zachory White
From: Brazil, Indiana
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The Importance of Drivers ed

The Importance of Drivers ed

Drivers ed seeks to teach burgeoning motorists the essential skills they need to drive safely before they become fully licensed motorists. They learn how to recognize and interpret road signs, prepare their vehicle for the road before driving, drive their vehicle safely, and the relevant laws and statutes governing road safety in their state. Equipped with this knowledge, motorists enter the world better able to drive safely as they have learned all of the skills they need beforehand. Drivers ed gives new motorists a controlled environment to learn these skills before going out on the open road where otherwise inexperienced drivers may hurt another motorist or pedestrian.

Many deaths related to driving are due to impaired driving. One way or another, the motorist has rendered their mind and body incapable of focusing on the road and maintaining control of their vehicle. Common reasons are driving while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. All jurisdictions in the United States have passed a law banning motorists from operating while under the influence of alcohol. Some also have laws against operating while taking certain narcotics. Another reason for many deaths is distracted driving. The driver can focus on the road, but external sources have distracted them. Cell phones are a common source of distraction, and most if not all jurisdictions have laws against using a cell phone while operating a vehicle. All drivers can stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs and driving or using their cell phone while on the road. At the same time, vehicle manufacturers are making better and better safety devices not only to protect motorists in accidents, but also to prevent accidents in the first place. More modern cars now have sensors that will alert the driver to incoming traffic, especially in their blind spot.

I thankfully have never experienced a car accident in my life so far, but I have witnessed certain times where members of my family did not do everything they could to keep safe. When I was younger, I would often catch my older sister driving without a seatbelt on. My dad also sometimes drives without a seat belt on. While this does not put others ask risk per se, it does put them at more risk if they get into an accident. However, I have never caught them driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, so they are not putting others at risk on the road.

I am not licensed to drive as of now. What I need to do is to pay attention in my drivers ed class. I need to learn all that I can in that time. When I get my license, I need to make sure to not impair or distract myself while on the road. This will mitigate the chance of me getting in an accident and possibly hurting myself or others.