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Drivers Ed Online – Driver’s Ed Scholarship Essay

Name: Jaden M Perez
From: Altamonte springs, FLORIDA
Votes: 0

Drivers Ed Scholarship Essay

Jaden Perez


Drivers Ed Scholarship Essay

The importance of drivers ed in reducing the number of deaths because of driving is high because, in more recent years, the number of pedestrian deaths has gone up due to drivers not paying enough attention to the road to notice what is happening. The steps that can be taken to prevent these deaths are to put away all potential distractions before you start driving and to ignore any calls or texts that come in until the end of your drive. Another step that can be taken to avoid more deaths is to just focus on one thing at a time. This helps keep you from getting distracted when you’re driving and help save you and many others as you drive. I have had the experience of being in a car accident. I was 4 years old and my little sister was a year old. We were coming back from the park when this white truck on our left sped up, swerved in front of us just to get an empty parking spot that we were driving past. We ended up T-boning her and my mom and the lady got out of their cars and started to yell at each other. Soon, a cop came by to settle the dispute, and then we went on our way back home. I have also seen family members drive irresponsibly. My dad and I were driving back from the mall when he started to get tired, so he sped up and was jumping between lanes to get home faster. As we got off the highway, there was a police officer waiting down the road, and we couldn’t see him, so my dad hurried to make the turn off the highway, and no sooner that we pass the local CVS, we get pulled over for speeding. He let us off with a warning because my dad had a good driving record.