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Drivers Ed Online – Education of Driving

Name: Valerie Chavez
From: Stockton, California
Votes: 0

Education of Driving

Education of Driving

The ability to drive is the want of many people and many do achieve this want but risks come with that want. Being educated in driving is of great importance because one of the risks involve yourself or someone else. If people knew what could happen if they got behind that wheel while being either sleep-deprived, after one drink or looking at the phone many wouldn’t get behind the wheel.

One of the many risks that drivers must be educated in order to reduce the number of deaths is to turn away the distractions. Many accidents are linked to these distractions as they seem to be something minimal but when it comes to driving you cannot distract yourself even if it is something small.

In order to prevent the growing number of deaths due to driving, prospective drivers must go through a simulation using VR technology to show them what happens if you decide to give one glance or to just one drink. I believe this a better way to prevent this as not many believe the word of others and they believe it to be an exaggeration of others.

I have seen some family members drive either distracted, aggressive, or have been speeding and I have told them of errors but I think they haven’t been through the consequences that driving reckless has which is why I think they still drive the way that they do.

Steps that I can take to be a better driver are to turn off the phone while I am driving, get enough hours of sleep, and if I see someone driving recklessly to alert the proper authorities. In order to inform others of the risks of driving is to tell them of the risks are and what to do in case they see some driving unsafely.