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Drivers Ed Online – A War on the Road

Name: Adekunle Joseph Akinshola
From: Burtonsville, MD
Votes: 0

A War on the Road

A War on the Road

In this time of preventable death all over the world, yet another contributing factor in America is reckless or distracted driving. When a Korean War’s worth of Americans, on average 34,000, die each year in this preventable way, it becomes clear that there is a problem. This proves the importance of drivers ed in order to mitigate these fatalities.

The unfortunate truth is that many people behave on the roads as if they are at war with those they share it with. They are swerving between lanes and cutting people off with razor-thin margins to spare, nevermind a simple turn signal. All the while, raising tempers, insurance rates, and fatalities. Their rush to arrive somewhere on time may deny them, or, more importantly, someone else, the opportunity to arrive alive.

Unfortunately, I have witnessed multiple family members of mine drive dangerously. It makes being a passenger very uncomfortable, as I am both shocked by and disapproving of their actions. In an effort to calm them down, I remind them of the many interstate road trips we have taken where we witnessed many gnarled cars and presumable deaths. The message: “it’s not worth it.”

The same is true when I see a family member use their phone while driving. It’s simply not worth it. I end up making the text or call for them, and remind them to use the car’s built-in calling system on the console.

The keys to being a safe driver are rather simple. Limit distractions and stay vigilant. As long as you keep your eyes on the road and drive in a safe manner, it is hard to become the cause of an accident.

Sometimes the casualties of unsafe driving are monetary, but, too often they are deadly. Countless lives have come to an abrupt end due to senseless, reckless, and preventable driving. To reduce the carnage on the roads, driver assist systems (including lane assist) are likely the answer. These are standard features on many new cars that could be responsible for decreasing roadway deaths in the future. Furthermore, drivers ed, in a more theoretical way, should be mandatory from a much younger age, so that the practical aspect is more accessible to all at a later age.