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Drivers Ed Online – Grandfather Knows Best

Name: Austin Fantin
From: North Canton, Ohio
Votes: 0

Grandfather Knows Best


Knows Best

grew up in a house with my grandfather, who is a former drivers’
education business owner and instructor, as well as a retired State
Highway Patrolman. This was the best way to learn how to drive
safely, as I have found in my personal experience. Since most people
do not have that opportunity, completing a drivers’ education
course is the next best option. From my grandfather, hearing horror
stories of those in remedial classes who ignored what they learned in
their initial drivers’ education classes were the most convincing
reasons for me to abide by the laws. Whether it involved hurting
others or themselves, there were often great amounts of pain
involved. New stories like these are constantly being created across
the nation, but those can easily be prevented, and drivers’
education is the remedy. Crashes generally happen because someone was
not fully focused on the road, but drivers’ education exists to
teach him or her the exact opposite: When driving, never be
distracted, and always follow the laws, so all can remain safe. This
simple change of mindset can save thousands of lives every year. In
addition to this, to reduce the number of driving deaths, drivers
need to be responsible with technology. Between intricate dashboard
gauges, large screens, multiple features, and even Wi-Fi now, the
distractions behind the wheel are endless, not to mention trying to
focus on driving and what is happening outside of the car. Becoming a
better driver means eliminating or turning off these distractions
inside the car. Even when focusing on the road, I have had the
unfortunate experience of being in a car accident, but mine did not
involve another human. I live in a rural area, so deer are a common
occurrence. One night, I was driving home from my friend’s house,
and I was on the interstate. Suddenly, a deer ran in front of me, and
I did not have enough time to move or brake, so I ended up hitting
it. My car was totaled, but luckily, I was unharmed. When I hit the
deer, I was travelling at 70 mph, which was the speed limit. Seeing
the damage done on my car made me realize the dangers of speed, and
how much worse it could have been if I was travelling above the
limit. Today, speed is worshipped. People are constantly rushed and
hurrying, and the same applies to their driving. For everyone to be
safer drivers, the key is to slow down. Slowing down includes
following the speed limit, putting distractions away, and ceasing
attempts at multitasking. Personally, I can ensure that others that I
know are slowing down as well. If I know they are driving, I will not
attempt to contact them until they reach their destination. When
riding with someone, I can speak up if he or she is driving unsafely.
By doing these things and focusing on the road, my grandfather’s
wish can be fulfilled: to make the roads safe.