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Drivers Ed Online – Distractions Galor

Name: Brooke Perault
From: Natick, MA
Votes: 0

Distractions Galor

I consider myself a very good driver, as I’m sure many of us do. I’ve had my license for just about a year and a half now. During this past year I have gotten into 2 small accidents. Both, purely due to distractions. I purposely keep my phone out of view, but while this is one of the worst distractions there are SOOOO many others. Finding a radio station, talking to friends in the car, reading street signs, watching the GPS, eating, sun glare, bikers, other (bad) drivers, wind blowing my hair around, etc… I’m willing to bet that the people reading this could probably add hundreds of others. In the case of my accident, the car in front of me was slowing down for no apparent reason (no directional) and while I was looking in my mirror to see check my surroundings, the car in front of me decided to brake hard to make a turn and before I could brake in time, I hit them from behind. It was frightening and the small distraction of looking in my mirror was enough to cause an accident. All I could think about was … what if this was a small kid or a dog that ran out in the street? Could I stop in time?

Drivers ed should not be just about how to take turns, use your directions, pay attention to street signs and speed limits, it should be about learning how to pay attention to your surroundings. Paying attention to the people around you (cars, bikes, pedestrians, kids playing on the edges of their yards). Drivers ed should be about learning about anticipation, the “what ifs” … There are probably a million stories similar to mine that my fellow teenage drivers could tell. Hopefully this essay contest will share a few.

I don’t remember my drivers ed class spending as much time on things like this compared to the rules of the road – but I would argue that it is almost as important, if not more. Simulations might be able to help – to teach people to be more aware – even though we would be expecting it. It’s difficult to do this in the car while doing driving hours. During these times we are hyper aware, hands at 9&3, no radio, the teacher watching out also. There is no better lesson than experience, but drivers ed can get us 80% of the way there.