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Drivers Ed Online – Driver’s Education Can Save Lives

Name: Amelia Barone
From: Montgomery, IL
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Drivers Ed Can Save Lives

Barone 3

Drivers Ed Can Save Lives

Amelia Barone

Scholarship Application


Enrolling in a Drivers Ed course is a pinnacle part of high school. Teenagers are excited about obtaining their license, getting a car, and driving around with their friends. While it is can be a joyous time, it is imperative that each driver/student be educated on the proper ways to be a safe driver. Little thought is given to the deadliness of texting while driving, or about the possibility of encountering another unsafe driver on the road. I feel that constant education and reminders can help save lives.

When a driver is safety conscious, they ensure that they wear their seatbelt, are not distracted and thoroughly follow the rules of the road. Having your full attention on the road can also help in the event one comes across another driver how is not being safe. Not only does completing a drivers ed course help build a solid foundation on safe driving, but further emphasis by parents can play a crucial role on their child’s driving. When one is safety conscious, they make sure their phone is away, or even on driving mode. Radio volumes are kept to a tolerable level, and seatbelts are worn. It is also important to follow the speed limit, especially in hazardous driving conditions, as well as using signals correctly and allowing ample time for braking. All of these tactics may seem insignificant, but each one can be the meaning of life or death.

I unfortunately have been in car accidents, and I was the at fault driver in one of them. After this accident, I replayed the scenario in my head to see what I could have done differently. Like I stated above, things that may seem insignificant can have a big impact on those around you. One glance at my GPS, ensured that I did not see a driver in front of me brake hard, and I was unable to react quick enough. I now work on memorizing my route prior to leaving, and if possible, stick to routes I know by heart. I regularly see friends and family driving irresponsibly, whether it be texting while driving, talking on the phone (which makes them distracted), and other infractions. When I am riding with them, I tell them not to text while driving and to let calls go to voicemail. It is more than their lives at stake when being distracted.

In conclusion, such small actions can have such a large impact on not only ourselves, but those around us. I have personally made strides in ensuring I am a safe driver. I make sure my phone is away, limit distractions, wear my seatbelt and follow the rules of the road. These tactics make sure that we are being responsible drivers and can help keep everyone safe. If we all did our part, slowed down and paid attention, the roadways would be much safer.