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Drivers Ed Online – Driving and Me

Name: Rudy Howard
From: Bay City, Michigan
Votes: 0

Driving and Me

When I was told I will have to attend a driving education course I was this as an unnecessary hassle. Now, after destroying my family’s car, failing my first driving test, and preparing for my second attempt, I have learned some important facts. I have learned why drivers ed is so vital, as cars can be exhilarating but also very deadly. Lastly, I learned how to mentor other people to be safe drivers without making them feel like a child or patronize.

Some people, including myself, thought that driving education is just a waste of time. But this is not true drivers ed helps save lives and it saved mine as well. My car crash happened when I was practicing to get my license. I was in a median trying to cross traffic. I made the mistake to only look one way and not the other . My step mom screams and the next thing I know the engine is totaled. What happened was that the other driver hit our car. When I looked back to the event there was one moment that determined the outcome. When my step-mother screamed I had a split second to make three choices: slam on the gas, don’t change my speed, or slam on the brakes and slow down. If I didn’t slow down or even worse slammed on the gas my step-mother would have more than likely been severely injured or even killed. I knew what to do because of the drivers ed. When I was little, I thought that speed equals coolness and safety, because that’s what I saw meida. I knew what to do because I was told by my parents and instructers to slow down in a situation you are not sure about.

This experience has taught me to be an exceptional driver. It also has taught me how quickly things can go wrong when you are driving. My dad likes to say “[cars] can get you and other people killed if you are not careful.” This doesn’t mean you should dread driving and never want to drive. Driving is a staple in having freedom.

This experience has taught me to tell other people about my experience so they don’t make the same mistake I did. If everyone told each other their driving experience the world would be a safer place. Another thing I was taught by this event is that everyone should go get driving classes. Everyone should take classes because the teacher there knows the right and safe way to teach people.

If we do those two things: sharing our experience and taking classes the number of car-related deaths would go down drastically. Too many people get hurt or killed from cars and as the number of people in the world rise the number of drivers rise as well. So remember if you are in a driving situation and you don’t know what to do. Let off the gas!