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Drivers Ed Online – Driving: The Safety Measure

Name: Stanley Troncoso
From: Des Moines, Iowa
Votes: 0

Driving: The Safety Measure

Stan Troncoso


Driving: The Safety Measure

You feel that? That wind breezing across you when your window is down. Enjoying the satisfaction of driving, being able to go anywhere your heart desires, you’re driving… you’re free. It’s a realm of independence like no other, but just like everything else, there’s always something important to know about driving… safety. When heading off to the road in the car you’ll be using, it is a MUST to know about the safety measures that ties within it.

Everyone must begin somewhere when they drive, right? A lot of the bunch have different starting paths that all leads to a different type of road to drive on. A good path to start on when you first begin to drive would be to have drivers ed, that is extremely important to driving. “Young drivers who have not completed drivers ed are 75 percent more likely to get a traffic ticket, 24 percent more likely to be involved in a fatal or injury accident and 16 percent more likely to have an accident,” (Neb, 2). Learning the ins and outs of the road can not only save your life, but the people that are around you… you protect them, they protect you. Drivers Ed is an extremely great way to learn what is out there, even better because you ACTUALLY have the experience to do so with a supervisor. The steps that can be taken to help reduce the number of deaths is setting even stricter laws to driving, people on their phones while driving is a MASSIVE problem, speeding on zones they shouldn’t be speeding in is also a problem. Laws that are harsher on an individual that leads to deaths need to be enforced immensely!

I actually have been in a car accident, it happened June 2019, I was on the passenger seat. As I was getting dropped off by a friend from an event, there were this other driver with the blinker to go left for the longest time, but hasn’t, if anything… he probably forgot to turn off the blinker? We decided to pass him, but as we are now next to him THAT’S when he decides to go to the left lane and HIT US! It was insane, extreme shock across all of us – how can you be that dangerous on the road? It led to all these insurance talk, cops coming through. It leads to me thinking of the many other ways I, myself, can do to not only be a better driver but to help others as well. When it comes down to it, it’s all about the communication. You GOT to communicate with your fellow peers on the road. USE the blinkers, EVEN when no one is around, GET into the habit of using blinkers. I try really hard to let people know what exactly I’m doing out on the road because at the end of the day, we all got to protect ourselves.