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Drivers Ed Online – Why is safe driving important?

Name: Jocelyn Castanon Bautista
From: Charlotte, NC
Votes: 0

Why is safe driving important?

Why is safe driving important? :Jocelyn Castanon Bautista

Many of us, especially as teens,don’t understand the importance of safe driving. As teens we think that nothing bad can happen to us. Some think that we are too young and can survive, highschool, broken limbs,heartbreak and sadness, so we can definitely survive a wreck. Most adults think that you need years of experience to be a safe driver, but even with that the road is full of people not just you, with this being said we can’t avoid accidents and although some survive most don’t get a second chance at life, no matter what age.

According to, “ What Are The Most Common Reasons for Road Accidents”,by strong tie insurance, “distracted driving is the most common cause of road accidents in the United States”. This means that people don’t pay as much attention to what they are doing while driving. They get too distracted and most of the time it’s by our phones. We have to learn how to stay focused and when driving our focus should be on the road and our surroundings on the road because we never know when we might get hit.

Although I have never been in an accident, I can’t help but share the worry and sacredness I felt when my mother and aunt got into a horrible accident when coming home from work one day. While asking her to share her experience with me she said , “ I was scared, the car came out of nowhere and I got sent to the hospital, and had to wear a brace on my leg for a week and couldn’t walk or go to work, my body ached, and legs were bruised”. At this time I was 15 years old and I was home. I remember my mom asking me to call someone for help because she didn’t know much english and the car wasn’t under her name . I didn’t know what to do or who to call but I found a friend that went to go help her, and I thank god for her everyday for that.

Even though this is just a small example of what an accident can do, I personally know someone who experienced his best friend die due to a wreck first hand, and he sees that everytime he closes his eyes. With this being said we need to take precaution to warnings,and take safe driving seriously, or it’s going to be too late.