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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Intelligent Driving

Name: Priyal Rijal
From: Winter Springs, FL
Votes: 0

The Importance of Intelligent Driving

What is the importance of drivers ed in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving? What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving? Have you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly? What steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road?

We hear and see tragic stories about fatal car crashes and car accidents far too often. These are usually a result of negligent and irresponsible decisions made by at least one driver, whether it be texting or being on the phone, driving while inebriated, or a lack of energy to stay focused. If more drivers were aware of the damage that their seemingly “harmless” habits cause, the number of car crashes and driving related fatalities would surely decrease.

The first step to ensuring this decrease is to educate all new drivers. Many states have policies in place that mandate a new driver earns a learner’s permit before they get an official license and are allowed on the road on their own. To earn a permit or license, they must pass certain tests, and this policy ensures that most everyone driving has the same basic knowledge to keep themselves safe. While these programs to educate about the dangers of driving under the influence, hey do not put as much focus on the dangers of texting and driving or driving with no energy. Outside companies and organizations tend to advertise more about the former issue, while the latter is hardly touched upon. Driving with little to no energy is extremely harmful; driving is an action that requires a lot of focus and attention, no matter how long you have been behind the wheel, because everyday on the road is different. Always being alert ensures your safety as well as that of everyone you share the road with. All types of distracted driving should be discussed in states’ curriculum taught before drivers earn their permits and licenses.

Until this is mandated, however, it is up to the rest of us to remind ourselves and other drivers how to stay intelligent drivers. We must take it upon ourselves to hold our friends and family responsible when they are about to make an immature and reckless decision while driving; take away their keys, offer to drive them yourself, or remove their distractions if possible. Before getting into the driver’s seat yourself, be certain you are fully awake and aware, able to use your full mental capacity, and put your phone away. Do not drive people you know will be distracting to you, no matter how close you are. This is for their safety as much as your own. If there is an emergency in the vehicle, pull over so the situation does not worsen. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Of course, these actions are easier said than done, and it will take time to form these new habits while breaking the old ones. But it is extremely important that we are self-aware and intelligent drivers. To see fewer casualties and making all roads safer in general, educate yourself on how to be a better driver, and do not be afraid to hold reckless drivers responsible. Intelligent driving must be the only form of driving.