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Drivers Ed Online – Drivers Education and How It Saves Lives To Know

Name: Camila M. Perez Quiroz
From: Imperial Bch, California
Votes: 1

Drivers ed and How It Saves Lives To Know

M. Perez Quiroz

Education and How It Saves Lives to Know

accidents occur more than you would think, so although I have never
personally been in a car accident or seen my friends and family
driving irresponsibly, I think learning about drivers ed is
very important in order to be a safe and educated driver and you
should too!

We are
at war. But this is not the generic war one would think of. You know,
the type with guns, tanks, and armor. Instead, we are in a war where
on average 34,000 people fall dead every year according to the
article by Wikipedia, “Motor Vehicle Fatality Rate in U.S. By
Year”. This is the war of driving-related deaths, and without
action, this war will carry on forever. Just as solders fight wars
using weapons, we should fight this war with ours, an education. You
see drivers ed is critical in reducing the number of deaths as
a result of driving because if people know the laws and are more
aware of the risks, they will proceed with more caution.

reduce the number of deaths related to driving, I propose the idea to
put more money into advertising like commercials and computer ads
that relate to people by using rhetorical strategies. Also,
politicians can push for a law that restricts restaurant and bar
owners with alcohol licenses them from serving more than four
alcoholic servings. This will help knock out one of the biggest
threats to driving-related deaths: drunk driving.

As much as I wish these things happened,
they will take a long time to execute, so some immediate change you
can do today to not only be a better and safer driver, but also help
others become safer on the road is so simple. First, encourage your
friends to drive safe by telling them it’s not cool to be speeding or
making unsafe lane changes when they do. Also, although it is a
cliché, it’s a very true and revenant to say “don’t drive
under the influence”.

Following these things and keeping up to
date with your drivers ed will make the world a better place
one person at a time, and you never know, you might just save a