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Drivers Ed Online – Driving for yourself and others

Name: Tazania Whaley
From: Dover, DE
Votes: 0

Driving for yourself and others

Tazania Whaley

Driving For Yourself and others

Growing up in my family I have had a few family members die from car accidents. I have lost two uncles due to car accidents, one was hit smashed by a tractor trailer and the other lost control of his car. When you have those thoughts learning how to drive can a be a very scary experience. I received drivers ed at my high school when I was 15 and was able to get my license as soon as I turned 16. I guess you could say I did not utilize my license until I was basically 19, my mom was very fearful of her first child getting behind the wheel, but she always said that it was not because she was scared I would not be a good driver, but because there are many other drivers that are not as good.

Accidents can occur for various reasons, one may be because a driver forgot to use a turning signal to warn other drivers of where they are going, another may because the driver failed to follow street signs like stop signs or did not brake in a good amount of time. People could learn the importance of signals and laws should be enforced if a car is seen not following the rules of the road. I have had many near collision experiences because drivers did not use their signals or follow a stop sign. I have been in 3 accidents that I actually remember. My first accident was with my grandma and she was distracted reading my little brother’s report card and she hit the back of somebody’s car. Second accident was with a coworker she was coming out a parking lot in a two way road and instead of waiting for a safe moment to go she speeds and tries to make it but gets hit from the back and we spun into the opposite lane and got hit on the passenger side where I was sitting, I was pretty shook in that one and was in pain for days. My third accident was with mom a driver hit us from behind because she was not paying attention and I had neck and back pain for a few days.

Some steps that could help improve my driving and help me become a safer driver is to educate myself and make sure to follow the rules of the road because it could influence another driver to do the same. If I am not comfortable or feel like I need training on something I can always ask for help. People do not understand sometimes that one wrong mistake could kill themselves or another individual. I pray that it gets better, too many people passed away from reckless driving and families are continuing to get hurt over something that could have been preventing.