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Drivers Ed Online – Driving Safely

Name: Antonio Hurn
From: Columbia, Missouri
Votes: 0

Driving Safely

Antonio Hurn

May 22, 2020

In the Driver’s Seat

I would say that a proper drivers ed is important in reducing deaths in car accidents. I say proper because many people learn how to drive from a family member or friend in an empty parking lot. Driving in a parking lot is very different from a rode where the are other cars and people crossing the street. Because of this people could get more nervous and make more mistakes due to lack of experience on the actual rode after getting their drivers license. A proper drivers ed would also help people remember rules of the road and continue to follow them.

I have seen many friends and family members driving irresponsibly and some in accidents which is one of the biggest reasons I say proper drivers’ education is very important. I have had a friend that was told she would end up on the news with the way she was driving by another car owner. This right here shows that drivers can be a danger to themselves and others without much experience being on the road and practicing in parking lots. A way we can take steps to reduce car accidents is holding a friend accountable for things. For example, me and a friend were driving home, and he had to lean all the way forward to see while driving at night even with headlights because he wasn’t wearing his glasses. After he told me he wasn’t I didn’t just brush it off and I told him he shouldn’t do that when he knows that he needs to wear them and has a pair. I further stressed how dangerous it could be for him and others if he continued to do it. Another step we could take to reduce car accidents is being stricter with people taking driving tests. This are some things that I think would help reduce car accidents and things I plan on practicing.