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Drivers Ed Online – Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Andrea Johnson
From: Centuria, Wisconsin
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Importance of Drivers ed

Importance of Drivers ed

Drivers ed teaches you how to stay safe for your own safety and for others. It is key that you pay attention to all the information your teacher is explaining to you. If you stay focused through all of it, you will have better reaction time than those who did not. The importance of drivers ed is to first drill the safety steps into you mentally before you perform those safety steps physically.

When you get to the physical safety steps, here is a few steps to consider reducing the number of deaths related to driving. First, always wear your seatbelt. Your death rate is 50/50, when you have it off or when you have it on. Secondly, if you are late for school or business meeting no matter what go the speed limit. You are already distracted by the fact that you are late and when you add high speeds to that, the risks of getting into an accident gets higher and higher when you are rushing. And lastly, never drive while under the influence of alcohol. You may think that one drink does nothing but when you are behind the wheel it slows your reaction time and thinking process. So, either stay the night or call a responsible adult to pick you up.

I have seen a friend drive irresponsibly. It just got done raining the same time school got done for the day. My friend group and I decided to hang out and meet by this curvy road about 5 miles away from my house. I was in my car behind this truck full of boys and when they hit that first curve the truck hydroplaned and went into the 4ft deep ditch. Yes, thankfully they were all okay but if someone had been at that same curve it would not have been good.

For a person like me who hasn’t gotten a ticket for anything, or been in an accident my tips I use to be a safe driver are buckling up, keep all the distractions to a minimum, keep my car in good shape, keep my car in good shape, and just to follow all of the safety steps and rules my instructor had taught me.