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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Talia Henry
From: Huslia, Alaska
Votes: 0

The Importance of Safe Driving

Why is driving safe so important and what can we do to ensure that the future generations as well as the present generations drive safe and responsibly?

Drivers ed is a key component to safe driving. Knowing how to drive and getting the right education on driving can reduce the statistics of reckless driving. Having each new driver go through a training before they are allowed to get their license can be very beneficial to the driver. Also having a training for drivers who already have their license but would like to keep up on drivers ed can be a great way to encourage safe driving.

Most of the death from driving come from car accidents. A great number of these accidents range from ages 16-30. Young teens and young adults are the ones that need the right training required for safe driving. Knowing how to drive safe and having the right training is very important to be able to drive safe out on the road.

I have experienced a few events in my life in less than 4 years that either scared me very much or ended in a tragedy. Less than 4 months ago I was in town visiting my grandparents. We we’re driving and coming up on an intersection. The light was green so we kept going. The next thing I know is that my Grandma is slamming on the breaks and I look over and a see a car coming straight at us and they slam on the breaks as well. I was in the passenger seat and by the time both cars stopped the car was less than 3 feet away from my door. If I had gotten hit the chances of me surviving that kind of hit would have been very little. The driver had been on their phone and had not seen the red light or us. Another time is when me and my friend was coming home from the movies. We were driving and the light was green. We are just coming into the middle of the intersection when she slams on the break and a car goes flying by just a few feet in front of us. They had run a red light. These drivers where driving reckless and could have caused a severe crash or even some deaths due to their reckless driving.

One tragic accident that happened to someone that is from my village as well as someone I looked up to happened a few years back. She was driving with a friend heading to Anchorage. It was her 21st birthday. They got hit by a semi and neither of them survived.

Being able to drive safe and having the education in driving that you need is very important in reducing the number of deaths due to car crashes or such. Driving safe is very important to me and I encourage everyone to make sure that you get a drivers ed and to drive safe and responsibly.