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Drivers Ed Online – Driving – The Double Edged Sword

Name: Nathan Lien
From: Harvey, LA
Votes: 0

Driving – The Double Edged Sword

Getting behind the wheel is the single most dangerous thing that most of us do daily. Driving has become essential over the past century especially in the United States as it allows us to travel from one place to another with convenience and ease, however, with these benefits comes a great cost. Many drivers drive distractedly or carelessly and put others in harm’s way.

One distracting thing that I do while driving is that I will begin to think about different things and enter an autopilot state. I will begin to lose focus and not pay enough attention to the road. When this happens I do not give driving the respect and attention needed to drive safely and protect both me and others. Entering a state of “highway hypnosis” leads me to lose focus of driving and begin to unconsciously follow a route home. This phenomenon is very common and in my opinion, dangerous as I am unable to react to new road hazards such as potholes or other roadblocks. This is especially dangerous once you begin to get complacent and underestimate the dangers of driving. Driving while believing that you are in control of everything may lead to dire consequences. There is no guarantee for tomorrow and driving distractedly will only increase the chances of there being no tomorrow.

While driving is dangerous, it is also necessary. Driving is a convenient way to travel anywhere you need to go. It has opened a world of possibilities to the average person and grants us a greater sense of freedom. Driving is a definite necessity so we might as well drive as safely as possible. One of the first steps to driving safely is to form a plan to avoid bad habits. Having and following a plan will definitely increase the safety of both me and others while on the road and invoking the self-discipline to follow it will come with time and dedication. Some ways that I can prevent driving carelessly and entering an unaware state of driving is by paying more attention to my surroundings and forcing myself to stay alert. This can be accomplished in a multitude of ways. I can sleep longer and avoid driving while tired or avoid talking to others in the car. This will lead to me driving more safely and avoid becoming complacent on the road. Another way to pay more attention to the road is to just think about all that both I and everyone else on the road has to lose. Every single person around us has their family, beliefs, and worries. These people all have things that they care about and the possibility of losing it all in a car crash is heartbreaking to think about. Remembering that I have worked hard to be where I am and recalling that I have so much to lose will allow me to focus on driving and avoid being complacent on the road.

Safe driving is something that every driver should partake in. The invention and widespread availability of the automobile is a great thing that has greatly increased the quality of life for millions of people. We should use this invention with the utmost care to avoid tragedy. Driving is something that must be done and I pledge to drive safely and responsibly to keep both myself and others out of harm’s way.