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Drivers Ed Online – How to make the roads safer

Name: Ryan
From: Hermiston, Oregon
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How to make the roads safer

Drivers ed is pertinent to the safety of drivers all around us including ourselves. The need for people to understand the rules of the road and how to avoid causing accidents stops deaths. They need to know how to drive, obviously, but there are strategies they can do, like defensive driving, to stop these incidents from occurring. The reduction of deaths by educating drivers is basically the same thing here. If we educate them, the deaths are lowered, if we don’t the deaths grow. This means that we will have to educate them to make sure we have fewer deaths caused by preventable accidents every year.

I made a list describing the many things we can do to lower driving fatalities: There are many small things we can do in order to make the streets more safe and secure. Lighting where people often and less often walk is important for people’s safety. We can also have more patrols at night as a deterrent against criminal activity. Making cars with automatic light adjustment is good for driving at night. Salting the roads or other ice measures are good to stop crashes. Snow plows are important for snow in the winter. Laws regarding lower speed limits during slick weather would help. Building roads that are resistant against damage and potholes are good for integrity and safety. Making road lines that are reflective at night are good for staying in the line in the dark. Making sure everyone has working lights. More safety education classes that are available to the public. Making sure young adults know how to drive safely. Allowing people to use things like Uber and taxis so that they can get to other places whilst under the influence. Making sure young adults don’t drink and drive. Making hands-free devices easily available for use in cars. Self driving cars in the future will be very useful for car safety. Preserving the quality of roads is important to avoid cracks and potholes. Monitoring and maintenance of potholes is another good idea. Sending people who break traffic laws to learn more about how to drive safely again. Making unsafe driving easily reportable. Make it easy to report unsafe truck drivers. Make sure truck drivers get enough rest. Make sure truck drivers do not drink on the job. Keeping up quality standards for vehicles. Create tax incentives for safer cars. Recycling older and less reliable cars that pose a safety risk to the driver and their peers. Lower speed limits for residential zones. Create regulation for car quality standards that check older cars for safety deficits. Punish unsafe drivers and revoke licenses for continued similar problems. Educate children on safety around roads. Educate bicyclists on proper bicycle and road safety. Maintain sidewalks and monitor sidewalk quality. Educate drivers on watching for pedestrians. Making quieter cars can help drivers hear each other as well as other people. Monitoring the safety of elderly drivers and making sure they continue to competently drive. Revoking the privilege to drive from those who pose a risk to themselves and others. Educate drivers to make sure they watch for animals and correctly move around them or stop before hitting them. Curbing alcohol use through education helps with drunk driving. Curbing drug use with education as well can prevent impaired driving too. Being safe near schools when students are leaving and arriving whether by bus, car, bike, or foot. Teaching people how to correctly react in a crash type situation. Educating people how to drive in different road conditions such as, icy, wet, foggy, or smoky. Presenting real world examples of traffic accidents and how to prevent them by asking for real people to share their stories.

I personally haven’t been in a car accident, but I know people close to me and their stories. What they look like and how they feel after speak to me on a deeply psychological level. I don’t need to be in an accident to know how terrible it is. I only needed to see someone be honest to me about their experience to learn about how bad it was.