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Drivers Ed Online – Driving with an actual Brain

Name: Anthony Bello-Sanchez
From: Jacksonville, Florida
Votes: 0

Driving with an actual Brain

Driving with an actual Brain By Anthony Bello-Sanchez

When talking about drivers safety, specifically with teenagers, I believe that the importance drivers ed plays in the safety of the road and the driver play a huge role in the reducing of on the road deaths. This can be tied with between knowledge of in doing what, when and how to fulfill important skills to drive safely. This is simply the least one can do when hoping to reduce the number of deaths that are caused by careless driving, educating oneself and knowing what to do one the road. Steps to be taken when rescuing the number of deaths in driving is the best advice -from the wisest woman I know- is being a defensive driver. Of course, play offense and do your part, not too fast not too slow, but being aware of the other instance drovers that are out there. Everyone thinks it could never happen to them until it does, always be defensive and aware of the road and this can be the first initial step to reducing deaths from driving. I can speak from experience when I have seen my close one drive irresponsibly. Texting and speeding during the drive, I too am guilty of sometimes texting while driving, just for a quick second, but my other close friends have quickly corrected me and this probably saved me from a future disaster. I believe that my first steps to be a better and safer on the road is always being aware, not being on my phone even for a millisecond, telling others what they are doing wrong driving irresponsibly and making sure I have my guard up. I believe that this information and short essay can get a few pointers to others that are new and uneducated about driving on the road, having a better and overall safer driving journey.