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Drivers Ed Online – Ending Tendencies of Bad Driving

Name: Conrad Boyle
From: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Votes: 0

Ending Tendencies of Bad Driving

Ending the Tendencies of Bad Driving

Safe driving has become a very important aspect that is integrated into our culture. Just about every has experienced a life changing driving experience because of the immense amount of driving fatalities that exist around us. One-way bad driving could be reduced is by more driving education. Driving education is the learning process in operating a vehicle in a safe and lawful manner. Most teenagers or even adults go through drivers ED and receive the necessary education to operate a vehicle in a safe manner. After a while the recent drivers ED graduates are very aware of the way they drive and always attempt to play on the defensive side while trying to drive, but as soon as the graduates get more comfortable with the ways of driving they tend to let their safety guidelines fall to the way side. These individuals say to themselves, “ It will be ok, I wont get in any accidents.” This carefree way of driving I believe is the root cause of bad driving which can be resolved in a simple way. After little while drivers should have to take a driving class that covers the various safety hazards that accompany driving. This will allow drivers to freshen up on any safety material they have lost or need to freshen up on. As I said before everyone has had those traumatic driving experiences which have cos the life of others. If basic driving education was re-enforced than it could drastically reduce the number of driving related deaths.

I myself had a very dramatic experience which involved my best friend Mike. I was eighteen years old at the time and my friend Mike was twenty. Mike was driving at the time and we were heading to a party. The party was a little way out in the country, so we had to drive on a two lane road and the speed limit was sixty-five. Mike began starting to get in the habit of not wearing a seatbelt because he also lived in the country and began to develop laziness towards putting it on. As we were driving a car heading towards us attempted to pass another car, but it was too late. Mike in a sudden frantic jerk of the vehicle attempted to bypass the oncoming car by jumping in the other lane in order to get on the shoulder of the road. Our vehicle slammed into the oncoming vehicle head on which resulted in my best friend’s death. I had a broken leg and arm with a huge concussion. If I was not wearing a seatbelt, I would have most certainly fallen in to the same fate as my best friend Mike. There were several safety violations which were crossed and caused this terrible incident. Firstly, my friend Mike would probably be living today if he had worn a seatbelt. Secondly, the on coming car which tried to pass the other car should have made sure that he had a clear passing attempt without any on coming cars driving towards him. A few steps that I can use while driving to reduce the amount of vehicle related deaths would be to always wear a seatbelt and drive defensively. The seatbelt will protect you if a car accident does occur. When I say to drive defensively, I mean that all drivers should use various signals which will let other drivers know you are around them. For example, use safety signals such as blinkers, and when driving at night be sure to have your head lights on so others can see you. With my frightful experience and tips on driving I can know drive cautiously and safely.