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Drivers Ed Online – Ensuring Driver Safety: Taking the steps necessary in reducing car crash rates

Name: Danielle Kaplan
From: Boca Raton, Florida
Votes: 0

Ensuring Driver Safety: Taking the steps necessary in reducing car crash rates

It is always a memorable moment in our lives when we receive the long awaited drivers license. It brings us a sense of adulthood and beckons us to accept it with joy for that little chance of freedom. You can finally go to the mall all by yourself or hit the beach anytime you feel like it. The problem is that sometimes humans think that nothing could possibly go wrong-they feel invincible-but that is simply not the truth. By having this mindset, drivers often lack the precautionary safety measures needed in making sure a car accident doesn’t occur. 

Drivers ed is extremely important, especially to young drivers, who are just getting started in the world and don’t yet have the experience necessary to drive a vehicle themselves. However, even experienced drivers don’t know all that much about the road like what certain signs and lanes mean so it is essential that they learn these rules. It is primarily important in decreasing the amount of car accidents and therefore decreasing the amount of deaths due to these car accidents. According to “The Wandering RV”, almost 1.25 million people die globally in car crashes and the amount of deaths would significantly decrease if more drivers were aware just out dangerous it is to talk on the phone or drink alcohol while driving.

I, myself, know firsthand just how dangerous car accidents because around two years ago a distracted driver hit my mother’s car. The car was wrecked, forcing her to buy a new car and afterwards she had back pain resulting in physical therapy. My mother’s car was pushed into another car causing a domino effect that hit another two cars. This left four cars damaged all because of one distraction due to a phone. My family and I are so fortunate there were no serious injuries but the problem is that there are other families that aren’t so lucky so drivers ed needs to be more enforced to ensure the accident rates go down.

To ensure driver safety, a more practical option would be to take an online course that would discuss the basic steps in drivers safety. This may be reasonable for teen drivers but unfortunately many work on a daily basis and don’t have the extra time. There are however many important basic rules to following in guaranteeing the safety of drivers. For example, there should be nothing distracting the driver whether its a phone, being tired, emotional, or under the influence. A safe distance always be kept to not only prevent car crashes but also lessen the impact in the case that a car accident does occur. Lastly, It is essential that a seatbelt is worn at all times because keeping yourself buckled up is integral in preventing car accident related injuries or deaths.

Regardless, car accidents are almost inevitable and it comes with the risks of owning a car but by following these rules and lessons together, we can significantly decrease the amount of car accidents yearly.