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Drivers Ed Online – Every Distraction Limits Reaction- Put a BRAKE on Distractions in Your Drive

Name: Brooke Hinz
From: Kalamazoo, MI
Votes: 0

Every Distraction Limits Reaction- Put a BRAKE on Distractions in Your Drive

As an advocate for safer driving practices primarily among teens, I dedicated most of my high school career fighting to see changes. I conducted a school-wide distracted driving campaign to over 1200 students through S4SD (Strive for a Safer Drive), and I received state recognition for “2018 Student Outstanding Traffic Achievement”. It has never been about the awards or recognitions for my work, but the changes I hope to see. As the daughter of a Michigan State Police officer, I have heard the horror stories of what happens behind the wheel. I now find it my responsibility to instill this knowledge onto others. The effects of distracted driving are detrimental not only to those affected but cultural normalities. It should be sickening to hear that the number one cause of death in teens is motor vehicle accidents; however, as distracted driving becomes a new normal, society is allowing these lost lives to no longer be tragedies but part of a statistic. The tremendous responsibility one has as they sit behind the wheel is something that should never be taken lightly. On the other side of that text message needing to be sent, call needing to be answered, or directions needing to be entered is a life that was not needed to be taken. After sitting behind the wheel, it is no longer simply about one’s self, however, somebody’s son, daughter, mother, or father may be the innocent lives lost because of another’s distracted decisions. Out of the 150+ hours I spent organizing that campaign for my school, one of the most important decisions I made was regarding what name to entitle the effort. The harsh reality was depicted in the name “Every Distraction Limits Reaction”. The power behind that phrase is often overlooked by many. A simple glance at a screen, emotional toll behind the wheel, lack of sleep, or intoxication will limit even those who believe they are limitless. With distractions comes less reaction time to correct the mistake of a lifetime. Due to one distraction, there is no time to react to the neighbors’ kid running out, the yellow light that suddenly turns red, the car who stops urgently ahead, or the pedestrian crossing the street. Shortly after completing the campaign, I was rear-ended in the school parking lot by a student distracted by their phone. As frustrating as it is to put effort into something and see no result, it reminds me that one life can be affected so easily by distracted driving; therefore, I keep advocating to reach one person’s life and alter their unhealthy habits. The consequences that follow a decision may have two effects; which will it be? The text, call, or alcohol can wait, so let them. What cannot be taken back is the decision that may take somebody’s life. Do not allow precious lives to become part of a statistic because of something that can wait. Instead, wait to see the new normal that may arise from an example set without distractions.