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Drivers Ed Online – Life’s Not a Game

Name: Taylor Nicole Flint
From: Rocklin, California
Votes: 0

Life’s Not a Game

Life’s Not a Game

There have been many known deaths in America because of irresponsible driving. People

text, drink, or disobey the rules of the road or laws of drivers ed which eventually leads to

either being arrested or causing a fatality. Drivers ed can be a great way to reduce the

amount of deaths caused by driving because it teaches every future driver the rules of the road,

the maneuvers of a car, and the basics of understanding the different laws that need to be obeyed

no matter the consequences. If there was no drivers ed, our world would be in complete

chaos and out of control. Fortunately, we do have drivers ed, but most people choose to

ignore what they learned in driver’s school. Drivers ed personally helped me to be a safe

driver and be smart with how I drive.

There are certain steps to take to reduce the number of deaths caused by driving. You can

either stop driving and take the bus, ride a bike, or have someone else take you. You can go onto

the drivers ed website and look over the handbook to understand the rules of the road if

you weren’t sure of them. You can have a suspended license until you fully learn the rules of the

road, driving, and the consequences that will be enforced when laws are broken. You can be

patient and mindful with others around you when driving to prevent tension. You can also

encourage others to pay attention to the world around them and not look on their phone while

driving, especially young drivers.

I haven’t been in any major accidents involving irresponsible habits, but there was one

time that I did pick up my phone to look up directions to a place and I hit a curb. Luckily, I was

able to get back on the road right away and didn’t leave a mark on me or the car. Ever since the

little accident, I didn’t drive irresponsibly and rarely looked at my phone.

The steps I am willing to take to be a better driver and help others be safer drivers

include: not touching my phone, be more courteous and mindful to other drivers, telling others

that being safe is easier than they think and that driving irresponsibly isn’t worth risking a life.