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Drivers Ed Online – Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Cheva' Quinn
From: Flint, Michigan
Votes: 0

Importance of Drivers ed

Cheva’ Quinn

Drivers ed


Importance of Drivers ed

Drivers ed
is a place where our youth and even older adults can come and learn
how to drive safely which could ultimately reduce the amount of
deaths by the thousands. Drivers ed is very important because
without its things could be way worse and drivers wouldn’t know the
consequences of not following the rules before they take to the what
can be scary road. Honestly if it wasn’t for drivers ed,
I would’ve had a much more difficult time learning to drive, and
the reason why is because drivers ed gives you a hands-on
experience and corrects as you make mistakes while learning how to

I’ve been in a car accident once and my life and it was due to a
driver not keeping their eyes on the road at all times as they teach
you in drivers’ education. The driver instead of looking in front
she was focused on her baby in the back and rear ended us. Luckily no
one was hurt in this situation but it could’ve been a lot worse.
There is always room for improvement when it comes to driving and I
myself can always go back and look at material to refresh my
knowledge on the somewhat complex world of driving especially because
I just got my license a little over 6 months ago and I constantly
pick up new tips tricks and techniques as I continue driving. I will
help others become a safer driver by encouraging people younger and
older than me to abide by the laws and let them know that if they
don’t, they could potentially put their own and others’ lives in
danger by not doing so. Hundreds and thousands of people die each
year due to car accidents and most of these are cause by one simple
mistake, and I really believe drivers ed has the ability to
help prevent this mistake from happening.