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Drivers Ed Online – Drivers Education Essay ~ 2020

Name: Pratipa Kokularasa
From: Largo, Florida
Votes: 0

Drivers ed Essay ~ 2020

Pratipa Kokularasa


Drivers ed Essay 2020

This essay is going to be about how us drivers can drive safely on the road & also some steps into taking action to prevent any further accidents. It will also explain how to become a better driver to save yourself & others.

Some good advice (than steps) to driving a vehicle correctly is to really just follow the rules that you are told to follow. There are so many deaths still today from people today who drive recklessly, vehicle explosions, etc. Most faults on how they fall into their deaths is by not properly taking precautions. If people learn to not drink before hitting the road, then life would be better for them. But it’s sadly mostly us teens that are not following that rule. “Don’t drink & drive”, “Don’t text & drive”, these things they won’t listen to yet they do it anyway.

As well as how badly they drive, people should take steps into how to become better drivers. Such as putting on their seatbelts first before starting the engine. When they get involved into accidents, they are either dead or alive. The purposes of seatbelts are to prevent deaths to happen to anyone within the vehicle, but more importantly the driver themself. There are probably enough steps into taking action into preventing any accidents on the road. People just have to listen , save themselves, drive normally.

Overall, there are plenty of good steps that come around for drivers who need to follow before they even proceed to hit the gas. It’s that you need to stop texting, drinking before driving, getting distracted easily & focus. Focus is all you need in order to get to your destination safely. Honestly, stop also doing TikToks while your on the road. I feel like this app might slowly cause more teeenagers into getting to accidents than anything else.