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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Driver Education

Name: Autumn Williams
From: Cypress, TX
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers ed

Autumn Williams

Importance of Drivers ed

education is crucial when it comes to reducing the number of vehicle
related deaths. The more people are taught about smart
decision-making when it comes to driving, the less likely people will
be to get into life-altering accidents. I believe that making people
take monthly defensive driving courses is one way to prevent
vehicular deaths. Another prevention method for vehicle related
deaths is to make everyone go through a drivers ed course and not
just allow some people to get taught at home by their parents and
then take a test. Everyone should have to sit in front of a
professional instructor at some point. A prime example that comes to
mind is my little sister. A few weeks ago, my mother was trying to
teach my sister how to drive so that she could be ready for her
driving test. At some point during the car ride, a mysterious object
flew in front of the windshield of the car. My sister, being an
inexperienced driver, got frightened and instead of stepping on the
brakes, she floored the gas pedal. This caused my mom’s car to run
over a curb and crash into a nearby metal fence. Thankfully, nobody
was injured in that accident. But that just goes to show how it would
have probably been a very different outcome if my sister had gone
through an official drivers ed course. The car most likely would not
have been able to accelerate after she got scared because a lot of
the time, drivers ed practice vehicles have an emergency brake for
the instructors to use to prevent accidents from occurring. I believe
that in order for all drivers to be safer on the roads, there needs
to be more mandatory professional courses available to people to
take. That way, people can practice better safety habits and learn
how to handle just about any situation that might come their way.