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Drivers Ed Online – Drivers Education Saves Lives

Name: Zamira Rebecca Cortes
From: San Diego, CA
Votes: 0

Drivers ed Saves Lives


May, 2020

of the most important rites of passage a young person can take is
obtaining a driver license, after fulfilling extensive driver
education. Drivers ed teaches people the safest ways to
approach driving to avoid accidents that could cause injuries and
even deaths. Some steps that can be taken would be to always be aware
of your surroundings and do not drive if anything is impairing your
ability to drive. For example, if a person has been working excessive
hours and has a long drive home, it would be better to park somewhere
safe, rest for a bit, then continue driving home when the driver is
better equipped to drive responsibly. Also, another step that can be
taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving would be to
never get in a car with anyone who’s driving ability is impaired in
any way. For instance, if a friend is planning on driving you to
school, but you notice that your friend is really drowsy due to a
cold, it would be best to ask a parent to drive you both instead.
While in the car, make sure to have no distractions to reduce the
chances of getting into an accident. I have seen my friends driving
irresponsibly while I was in the car. They went over the speed limit
in a school zone. The seat was reclined and one hand was on the
steering wheel. The friend then began to rev the engine and race with
the car next to us. My friend then made really sharp turns to get
onto the freeway and proceeded to go 100 miles an hour. He would
swerve lanes and blast music. To be a safe driver I can get rid of
anything that may distract me to keep my eyes on the road. I can also
keep control of the steering wheel at all times. Another thing to
keep in mind, is to always assume other drivers are not paying
attention to the rules of the law and thus are not driving carefully.
This would ensure I am always alert and cautious. I would advise
others to do the same to be safer on the road.