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Drivers Ed Online – Green Means Go

Name: Alysse Austin
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
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Green Means Go

One of an adult age who has experienced drivers ed and has seamlessly merged themselves onto the streets can reminisce on the times they wished someone would let them practice driving. From empty parking lots or country backroads everyone has different experiences with learning how to drive. Almost everyone can relate to sitting in the front seat, unable to reach the petals, turning the wheel, imagining that this vehicle was moving when in reality it was parked. Then us teens, we graduate and get into class rooms with thin complex books that reads “Rules of the Road”. For nine months one studies and memorizes street signs, uphill downhill parking, how to turn signals and how to turn on lights. All of this is fine until you’re in the backseat when someone decides to forget all that they have learned and drive recklessly. A crash that costs my father his hip. The rules of the road were clear. Red meant stop. Green means go. Those rules were still the same when my dad’s car was crashed into. Our car was pushed into a light pole that ended up shattering our windshield. Since this accident happened when I was in my adolescence, I could not mention if the driver was intoxicated, texting, or speeding. All I know is the importance of stopping, looking and listening. Rules taught in life and in the drivers ed course. Millions of lives are taken on the road. I was blessed enough to be spared and be considered a safe driver today. So to those reading this please click it or get a ticket. Never drive when inebriated. Be safe and drive for everyone on the road. My father and I were able to go home after recovering in the hospital. So many people did not. That nine month course teaches essential skills that could one day mean life or death. Choose life and drive safe. The rules of the road should always be followed for everyone’s safe return home.