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Drivers Ed Online – The Life of Others

Name: Emma Garcia
From: Atwater, California
Votes: 0

The Life of Others

The Life of Others

As most of us are aware teen drivers cause deadly accidents that have deadly consequences for individuals around them. Our actions and our overall responsibilities go along with the future of others. They are dependent on our driving even if we are not driving them personally. Drivers ed holds a larger purpose than just another requirement to get our license. It provides education to equip us with written words of our actions. In order for us to understand the impact it is the way for it to physically be written out. Those individuals who do not wait till 18 and go through drivers ed learn the importance of driving and the risk associated with our actions.

In order to prevent teen car accidents and a large death toll associated with vehicular accidents, it is important that we all have drivers ed. It is one way to make it somewhat more of value and important. Another roadblock than an 18 year old just waiting to get their license. At the end of the day though who and what we preach as far as driver’s safety is as much as we can verbally do, but if we advocate for safe driving then we are actively trying to affect the decline of that death rate. Even if it is one person at a time, or public officials speaking in highschools about driver safety. It is important that we affect the person we truly can control- ourselves.

When I was extremely young one of my cousins (16) was hit by a drunk teenage driver. She was going to her internship in the nearest big town and that individual was coming from a party where they should not have been drinking let alone driving. My cousin being petite was crushed into the steering wheel of her Jeep. It totalled the vehicle and landed her in the hospital. It took her a full year in order to fully comprehend what had happened. It is her goal that with all her younger cousins, she preaches road safety and how our decisions can affect others and the severity of that. Even though it is repetitive at times. This is something that I remember every time I get into a moving car. I take a moment to make sure I am in the right headspace to operate a vehicle.

From a very young age I have always been taught to never drive tired and never to drive under circumstances where my cognitive abilities are impaired. I think it is important for us to create steps to know when it is appropriate to drive and not. Unfortunately the next time that cousin or even you might not escape with their lives. All at the hands of a teen driver making poor decisions. We should all be aware that a moving vehicle is detrimental not ourselves and others.