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Drivers Ed Online – It’s Simple. Drive Responsibly.

Name: Sheridan Allen
From: Fulshear, Tx
Votes: 0

It’s Simple. Drive Responsibly.

drivers endanger not only themselves but those around them when they
text, talk, drink, or are stoned while driving. And, unfortunately,
it all comes down to one simple, common sentence starter, “I never
thought. . .” “I never thought something as taking my eyes off
the road for six seconds could flip my car.” “I never thought
that talking with my friend would cause me to rear-end someone.” “I
never thought that being drunk or high would cause me to take
someone’s life.” “I never thought it could happen to me.” The
fact is, however, it can happen to anyone, at any moment, and only
takes a second. That is why it’s imperative to educate others, so the
facts are known and the deaths are less.

most costliest war in United States history was World War 2 with a
death toll of 291,557 in a span of four years. Only 155,557 more
deaths then what would have occurred in four years from the result of
people driving irresponsibly. Furthermore, in World War 2 machine
guns, tanks, warships, warplanes, and deadly chemicals were used to
kill people, whereas texting, talking, drinking, and being
intoxicated causes deaths from driving. This comparison shows the
need for a safer driving environment. It’s as easy as putting the
phone down and silencing it, telling whoever is in the car with you
to stop talking, and preventing others from getting behind the driver
wheel when drunk or stoned. If everyone does the three simple things,
driving fatalities will decrease to a point of inexistence.

asking anyone to follow anything you must always practice what you
preach. I make sure to put my phone face down on silent, I notify
everyone in the car that I do need minimal talking so I can pay
attention, (because I am underage) I don’t drink and I especially
do not let myself be intoxicated by any drug, and I speak up to my
friends and family if I notice their driving could put anyone in
harms way. Driving is not a right, it’s a privilege and a
responsibility. You are responsible for your actions behind the wheel
as when you are not behind it.

I am fortunate enough to have never been in a car accident there is
one story I’ve never forgotten. A woman decided to get into a car
drunk, and on her drive, there was a car in

of her with four teenagers, stopped at a red light. The woman,
however, did not stop and ended up ramming the car and sending it
into a pole. The car immediately erupted in flames killing three of
the four teenagers and sending the fourth to the hospital with
life-long injuries. She then had the audacity to ask the parents of
the deceased teenagers for eventual forgiveness. Forgiveness for
killing their children, forgiveness for injuring another, and
forgiveness for her “I never thought. . .” when getting behind
the wheel drunk.

simple. Drive responsibly.