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Drivers Ed Online – Highway Robbery

Name: Hayden Floyd Phillips
From: Cable, OH
Votes: 0

Highway Robbery

War, drugs, and kidnapping. All terrible things that cut young life short and rob America’s youth of their future. However, in most recent years, none are more dangerous than driving. In 2019, the number one leading cause of death for young adults in the United States was automotive related accidents. Driving, a privilege and a responsibility that is looked upon as a symbol of freedom and adventure, is killing us off due to selfish choices made while on the road. Whether it be texting, eating, or just messing around in the car, any distractions can be fatal. The importance of a good drivers ed and safe driving practices is not only something to be recommended by experts, it’s a matter of life and death. It is also a matter of discipline and awareness because not only do you have the potential to hurt yourself while on the road, you also have the potential to bring harm to others: Those in your car or people you are sharing the road with.

In addition to a good education, good driving practices must be used and safe driving habits must be formed in order to stay safe on the road. It is easy to add new safety features in cars and get mad at other drivers when something happens, but ultimately our safety is in our own hands and it is up to us to make sure that nothing avoidable happens. In my County over the last year we have had three kids die in car accidents. One was from my high school and two were from other neighboring schools. The reason I say that distracted driving is a selfish choice is because not only does It put people on the road in danger, it also devastates the community and the Families of those who are lost, as I’ve seen first-hand. My friends as well as my parents have a bad habit of checking their phones while driving, and although nothing bad has happened to us yet, there is no guarantee of tomorrow. I think in order for people to become better drivers, others must hold them accountable for their actions. The next time I see my friends or my parents get on their phone while driving I’m not going to stay quiet. I will yell at them , inform them of the facts, do whatever it takes until they get off their phone. And hopefully, just maybe, Inspire them to do the same for others.