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Drivers Ed Online – How a piece of plastic changed the world

Name: Yuanna Benjamin
From: Palm Harbor, Fl
Votes: 0

How a piece of plastic changed the world

think everyone remembers when they first got their license. I had
been waiting over a year for it, and I was so excited for the
responsibility and independence that comes with that piece of
plastic. However, I have noticed, not only in myself but with my
friends and my own parents, that the more you drive, the more
complacent you become. You become less careful, double check less
often, and feel a sense of “nothing can hurt me”, “Ill be

believe that something that can solve this is a reminder of how
dangerous driving really is. Although periodic driving tests and
making sure people are fine physically is very important in maintain
a license, no one will change their driving habits unless they are
changed emotionally. We may not personally know someone that has lost
their life, but if we are reminded, people, including myself, may be
reminded how dangerous driving really is. 38,800 people died in 2019.
Imagine how many people are grieving over their lost family members.
If we were to make these tragic statistics well-known, I believe
people will become more careful drivers. Something at little as
stories of people who lost their lives as a result of car accidents
playing at the DVM could leave a lasting impact on people.

had the experience of being in a car accident when I was around 11. I
remember almost everything, from the destination down to the magenta
shirt covered in hearts that I was wearing. I was with my dad, and a
car hit us from his side. I remember the shattered glass, sitting on
the side of the road and the teddy bear that I still have from one of
the firefighters. Car accidents are so powerful because they stay
with you for the rest of your life.

stories of people who have lost a family member in car crashes have a
lasting impact on me and they can on other people too. Having a
license is a blessing but also a curse.