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Drivers Ed Online – Why driving safe is important

Name: Makenzie Waltz
From: PORT ST LUCIE, Florida
Votes: 0

Why driving safe is important

educated drivers on the roads and highways allows everyone to be safe
and smart about getting behind the wheel. Being educated bring
awareness, which is important, especially when it comes to serious
topics, such as traffic/vehicular incidents resulting in injuries and
deaths. The awareness allows any driver to know that there are risks
to driving, that can result from a lack of responsibility of said
driver, or any other person, animal or object that ends up in the

deaths relating to driving, is tricky because not all vehicular
deaths are necessarily the drivers fault, or even cause by another
driver, for example, when people see an animal run across the road,
they may swerve which leads to over-correcting into a tree, or a
lake. However, human behaviors that tend to cause the most accidents
are based off of distractions, not to sound like a broken record, but
people that use their phones while driving, like texting causing
drivers to look at their cellphone, taking their eyes off the road
causing accidents. Putting down technology when stepping into the
driver’s seat, or even putting your phone on silent could lessen

few years ago, my mother had pulled up to the intersection and came
to a stop behind the first car that was at the light. Another car had
pulled up behind us, and as soon as the light turned green, the
driver that was in the car behind us had accelerated, before the
first car had even had the chance to move, resulting in our car
getting rear-ended. Fortunately, neither car was damaged, however,
when my mother talked to the other driver, she told me that the
driver, who had a small child in the front seat, in a booster seat,
that was shaken up by the whole situation, had gone just because the
light turned green, not taking anytime to consider the other two cars
in front of them. The driver was just trying to keep the child from
being fussy, and was distracted, and what made it worse was the child
should have been in the backseat as to not distract the driver as

I drive, or if I know that I’m going to be driving soon, I make
sure to put my phone on either vibrate or silent, I’ll notify
whoever I may be texting before hand so that they understand why I
may not respond for a while. Making sure to always check my
surroundings, using my blinkers, and just having genuine courtesy
while driving. Having a planned route and knowing exactly where your
destination is helps to eliminate confusion and possible incidents.
Making sure that you eat before getting on the road, or that if you
need to grab food and have to eat it in your car to pull into a
parking space, so that you don’t have to be worried about your food
falling into your lap, while driving.