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Drivers Ed Online – How sad…

Name: Kevin Bokoum
From: Hagerstown, MD
Votes: 0

How sad…

wakes up… she realizes she is late for the meeting with mom. She
grabs her keys, takes her makeup pallet, and brings her brushes. She
runs past her cat and tells her kids to hurry up into the car or she
is leaving them. The kids enter, barely having time to buckle their
seat belts. She runs in throwing her make up on the passenger’s
side seat while having a Frappuccino in her left hand. She turns on
the car and immediately moves not checking for children, animals, or
even bucking her seatbelt. She goes on the highway through the exit
ramp and starts to put on her makeup going 80 miles per hour. She
thinks she is comfortable enough to put on her makeup and starts.
However, she so focused on makeup that she does not see the car
hitting the brakes in front of her. Her airbag deploys, but she is
now instantly dead. Her children survive, but with serious injuries,
and most painfully, without a mom.

education can drastically reduce the number of deaths when it comes
to driving by educating hundreds of millions on defensive driving
skills and techniques. Also, on the dangers that come with driving
and the dangers people possess to themselves. Too many people die
like the women in the story and those deaths have a serious effect on
family, friends and communities. Too many times do I see my friends
and family driving without knowing the true responsibility that comes
with driving a 5-ton, superfast death machine. People can take steps
to reduce the number of deaths related to driving by telling their
friends and family to practice safe driving. Also, whenever a person
is a passenger of someone who is exhibiting distracted driving, they
should speak out about it because it could save both their lives and
the drivers. Safe driving is my philosophy whenever I am driving, and
it will be that way forever and always. I make a promise to everyone
and myself: I will do my best to eliminate distracted driving in my
life. Can I count on you to do the same?